It is recommended that all participants review the latest advice from the Australian Government with regards to COVID-19 travel restrictions.
For the latest advice for International travellers, please visit the Australian Government Department of Health website.
For the latest advice for Domestic travellers, please visit the Queensland Government website. https://www.qld.gov.au/recreation/travel

Please note any dietary requirements when registering for the conference. If you have purchased additional tickets for accompanying guest(s), please also indicate their requirements under your registration record. All dietary requirements will be forwarded to the venue and catered for as well as possible.

Registration fees do not include insurance. It is strongly recommended that at the time you register for the Conference and book your travel you take out an insurance policy of your choice. The policy should include:

  • Loss of fees/deposit through cancellation of your participation in the Conference or through cancellation of the Conference,
  • Loss of international/domestic air fares through cancellation for any reason,
  • Loss of tour monies through cancellation for any reason including airline or related services strikes within Australia,
  • Failure to utilise tours or pre booked arrangements due to airline delay,
  • Force Majeure or any other reason,
  • Medical expenses (including sickness and accident cover),
  • Loss or damage to personal property,
  • Additional expenses and repatriation should travel arrangements have to be altered,
  • Medical expenses.

The Conference Managers cannot take any responsibility for any participant failing to arrange their own insurance. This insurance is to be purchased in your country of origin.

All details are correct at the time of publication. The Conference Managers reserve the right to change the program and functions at any time, without notice.

The dress code throughout the conference is business casual. The dress code for each function is indicated in the function description on the Program page.

The exhibition will be located in Great Hall 3 & 4 on the Foyer level of the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre.

Name badges will be issued when registering at the conference. For security and identification purposes, the conference name badge must be worn at all times during the conference and social functions. Entry may be denied if no name badge is displayed.

The registration desk will be located on the Foyer level near the main entrance of the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre.

Please ensure that you take all items of value with you at all times when leaving a room. Do not leave bags or laptop computers unattended. There is a cloak room available at BCEC.

The conference and social functions are non-smoking.

Please note any special requirements, i.e. mobility or sight, when registering for the conference. All special requirements will be forwarded to the venue and we endeavour to accommodate the requirements.

Photographs of the Advice LIVE 2025 event and associated activities will be taken throughout the period 4-6 March 2025. By attending the event, all registrants agree that their photograph may be used in AMP communications and promotional materials.

Please see the AMP Privacy Policy for more information.

Australia operates under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), as amended, and the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches), 2017. The objective of these is to protect the right of the individual to privacy of their information.

The Conference Managers comply with these legislations and are committed to protect the right of the individual to privacy of their information.

The Conference Managers will not sell your personal information to third parties. If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please email us and we will promptly correct the information. You may also withdraw your consent for use of your information by advice to us in writing.

Why do we wish you to provide your information?

We require your information to facilitate provision of information to you regarding the Conference and to facilitate your participation in the Conference. Information collected in respect of your proposed participation in any aspect of the Conference will be used for the purposes listed below. You can give or withhold your consent for each or all of these uses. Please indicate your preferences when completing your registration form but please note that we will be unable to forward any information relating to the Conference or to communicate with you regarding your registration if you select ‘no’ to point 1.

What we will do with your information?

1. Planning and conduct of the Conference including arrangements for your participation (e.g. accommodation booking);
2. In the Delegate List published for the Conference;
3. May also be provided to organisers of future occurrences of this Conference;
4. May be used to provide you with information of other relevant events in your area of interest.

Important Notes:
– The parties who will have access to your information (subject to your preference selections on above points) are the Conference Managers, the Conference host organisation (points 1 and point 4), delegates, sponsors and exhibitors of the Conference (point 2) and any future organisers of the Conference (point 3).
– The parties mentioned above will rely on your above consent indications for the purposes of compliance.
– You may withdraw your granular consent at any time by notice in writing to the Conference Managers.
– You are entitled to access the information held by written application to the Conference Managers.

For further information please see our detailed corporate Privacy Statement.

Every endeavour has been made to produce an accurate program. The program is correct at time of printing.